Sunday, April 26, 2009

im starting to be serious

ok,i had passed my insurance investment link test...yiipiiiiee~
now just left the general license that i dont have.
dont worry,i will take it soon (hopefully)

Anyone want to buy insurance?
can contact me if u want.i will appreciate it.

now the economic was extremely bad..('t?)
but everyone still have money,
everyone is still spending in their life,'t really so bad likes people said? may be correct for those who facing problems..
dont have job? no one want to hire?
i agree,because im one of that person,
but luckily i still own my insurance license,
so i still can continue my sales right now
(insurance agent is not bad as u think,if u think so,kindly email me,i'll explain to your questions)
every company is cutting cost,
they hire fresh graduate student,that's true,
but with low salary.

ok,back to the title..
why im start to be serious?
it's because i have calculate the money i needed in my life,
i calculate $$ i needed per year,
and i was start wondering,
because the figure i want is not a small figure.
i want myself to earn 60k per year for right now (before 25 yrs)..
people will said : "WTF!! 60k per year? means need 5k salary per month,u can boh?"
what i can answer is,i never try u never know.
maybe i can or maybe not.
but i will try my best to do it.
for my futures.for my life.for my family.
i was working as part time insurance agent now,
my company is AIA,
maybe some of u may said : "AIG ord bankrupt la,don buy AIA better"
hello,AIA and AIG are not really related ok?
well,u said AIG was bankrupt,
but what we can prove is,our sales still increasing..
we can prove u through the annual year sales report.
Well...from the report,do u think AIA will bankrupt?
ya,unless all the customers who bought insurance from AIA all dead together (touch wood)
then we have to pay all the sum insured to all and may bankrupt then,
but this is never and impossible to happen ok,
unless end of the day..LOLx..

There is many insurance company outside,
u can have your choice,and i dont force my customers to buy also,
no matter the customers like me or not,choose our plan or not,
is depends on the customer.
Any question u can email me,i will try to answer u,dont worry.
Feel free to ask,is FOC la...LOLx..

What i want now is earn my incomes..
plan for my future..
plan for my family..
everything is hard to begin,i hope i wont give up..
i must try my best to last until the end..
my future,my luxury life style,my high end technology..
im waiting u all to come....
i will try my best to reach my target..
for my dear..for my family..for my future..
i'll never give up!!
someday...i will be able to buy what i want..what my family needs..

is't feel curious why im writing my blog on 3am?
is just because insomnia..LOLx..
So taking this time to update my blog,
share u what in my mind now..
i start to keep on my mind that what i want,what i have,and what i need...

there's my company train me,thanks..
im be serious all the time..
of coz la,i still can joke and make fun on ur life..wakakaka..
just i will be serious to get what i need and what i want..

this post could be boring to u..
or maybe u think this is the lame post..
but i just share what i think and what i though..

if u have question to ask u may email me at:

thanks..good nite..
but i still cant sleep..LoLx..

** **


xiaoyAn ♥ said...

i know u can do it
you write till so long
stil cnt slp ==

VinzZ said...

aiiikss..u la..insomnia until my here...@_@

xiaoyAn ♥ said...

mai luan puto mushroom XD

VinzZ said...

puto pasar got a lots..xD

xiaoyAn ♥ said...

but like ur face mia dun hv XD