Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Best ROJAK in PENANG ! 槟城最著名水果囉惹!

portion this big only cost RM5 !! 

I believe most of the malaysian also know what is "ROJAK", and im excited to share you guys today the best rojak i ever try in Penang or even Kuala Lumpur !!
Some people may not like Rojak is because they feel the sauce smelly, but i can make sure that you definitely wont feel smelly on this one!  Some people will like to go for lok-lok style Rojak and some people will go for pasembur rojak but the traditional rojak have to be like this one, it might not so fancy fancy but the taste is really SUPERB !! Yes SUPERB !! Especially a custom made chili paste, there is so so so spicy! (because i ask the boss to add more spicy, although the boss warn me :p )
I like to eat spicy food, but this spicy level is totally hit my limit, fuuuhhhhh... banyak stim!


During the boss was preparing for my portion ! And you see the sauce, it's sticky !!
Not like some others Rojak the sauce kinda look like water type totally not sticky.
Oh ya forgot to tell you guys, the sauce is so so so so nice! Normally if we eating rojak, if you dont eat within 15 minutes or maybe 30 minutes, the whole plate of your rojak will like got a lot water (this is due to the fruits) then the sauce totally become water type, BUT this one dont !!
Yes this sauce dont melt fast like others !!

tudiaaaaa you see the sauce !!! slurrrrpppp.... !!

After i have done my rojak, of course i tapao (take away) one more back home because it's really make me feel not enough for having only one plate ! You guys can go have a try !!
There are more more details about this Rojak, but.. you guys go explore yourself, haha!
You wont regret when you tried !

But the stall will open late, around 9.30pm only open stall. Below are the details :

Address : 288, Jalan Thean Tek, 11500 Air Itam, Penang.
GPS : N 5.39765∘ E 100.28822∘
Mobile : +6016 477 2705
Operating Hour : 2130-2300 (930pm - 11pm)
Closed on Tue

And this is also recommended by "阿贤人情味 Taste with Jason" famous Food hunt astro program !

| Kelvin | kvnz.blogspot.com | | 좋은 하루 되세요 | buen día | | Bonne journée |

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Discovering your plan for success

A good financial plan is important in our life, it may cause you to get financial freedom if you plan it correctly. And of course, if you want to success in life, you must set your goal to achieve and so on, nothing comes easily. Often in life, when our plan doesn’t turn out, normally we abandon it all together. That is the wrong approach. Rather, a failed plan first requires an assessment of what went wrong. More often than not, the plan needs some adjustments, not to be abandoned.
But before you can do any of this, you of course need to know your plan. 
So, how do you discover your own plan?
1. Take your time
Good plans rarely happen overnight. To find the right plan for you, you need to think long and hard about your life, what you want from it, and where you want to go. This can take days, weeks, and sometimes months. Take the time to discover and define what is really important for you in life.
During this time, don’t talk with others until you know what you want. All too often, people either innocently or intentionally impose their ideals on others instead of respecting what others want for themselves. This is your time to define what you want for you.
2. Find a coach
Once you know what you want in life, find a coach that you can trust. This should be someone who has successfully done what you want to achieve. Ask them to provide their qualifications and interview several people. It will be an eye-opening experience for you.
Your coach is there to guide you when you develop your plan and to ensure you stick to it. A coach isn’t there to coddle you; your coach is there to push you when you don’t want to be pushed and correct you when you need it.
3. Set realistic goals
Lots of people abandon a plan, not because the plan is bad, but because the goals were not realistic.
Identify goals in a way that reflects what you want in life. Lots of people say, “I want to be a millionaire!” Don’t do that. That’s a cold, stale and lofty goal and one that is easily dismissed, especially when you’re having a hard time making your first $10,000.
Set goals that are real to you: “I want to have enough passive income to cover my family’s expenses so I don’t have to worry about money and I can spend all my time with my children.” That’s better! Figure out how much passive income you need to achieve it and put a plan in place.
If you make your goals more personal, you’ll have a better chance of sticking to your plan to achieve your ultimate goal.
Don’t just sit on one goal and think that’s it. Start with small, realistic goals then improve or add to those goals as your financial education and experience increase. It’s best to learn how to walk before you run a marathon.
Don’t get discouraged if you make mistakes. Having realistic goals doesn’t mean you’ll win one hundred percent of the time. Mistakes are part of the process of learning from and achieving your goals.
4. Get a team
Business and investing are team sports. As your plan evolves, you will need team members who can assist you in achieving your dreams. Members of your team might include a banker, accountant, lawyer, broker, bookkeeper, insurance agent, and/or a successful mentor.
Each of these team members will need to be vetted by you. Don’t just take anyone onto your team; instead, find the right player for each position.
When you have assembled your team, meet with them often. I held meetings with my team over lunch for many years. I learned a lot about business, investing, and the process of making money through these meetings.
5. Mind your business
Whatever your plan, always remember the words of rich dad, “Regardless of whether you work for someone else or for yourself, if you want to be rich, you’ve got to mind your own business.”
Don’t be distracted by side projects. Yes, it may earn you an extra buck but it just ate up your time; time that could’ve gotten you closer to your goal. If it doesn’t move you in the right direction in relation to your plan, don’t do it.
In minding your own business, you will be more in tune with the market’s feedback and you’ll be able to adjust your plan accordingly. Be diligent and keep going one step at a time. Do that and you’ll have a great chance at getting everything you want in life.
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| Kelvin | kvnz.blogspot.com | | 좋은 하루 되세요 | buen día | | Bonne journée |