almost sick like hell
have to take care myself this few days,
if not later sure fever.. xD
my multimedia assignment 2 havent complete yet,
then Tuesday some more have Business management test..
sigh..dont know why a computer engineer have to take this subject.. :S
one thing is..
the lecture got give tips..
the tips are..
she gave us 12 question and test will come out 8 questions,
those questions we have to find out the definition from web..
i've found and show to her last Friday while class end..
but she said TOO LESS... =="
she said at least have to write 3 to 4 lines..
some more need to provide examples.. sucks in this neh..
some more some questions cant find the answer also..
some dont have example also..
how to write wor..
gosh.. +.+
kanasai now..
sick some more..lots of things to do..
what the hell..cannot sick cannot sick..
Monday have to submit the Multimedia assignment wor..
Tuesday have test.. =="
gosh..dont know whether my group member done or not.. =p
cause we discuss that he do the proposal..
i do the photoshop..
then we work together in the flash.. xD
oh leh leh~ oh la la~
who can help me?
god bless me?
hope god wont bless me to die.. Zzz..